
What cameras do I use?

Over the years I’ve stuck predominantly with Olympus, as my main camera, with secondary cameras like the Fuji X10, and a Leica D-Lux 6. Recently I have moved over to Fuji, and now own a Fuji X-H1 to supplement my Olympus EM5(ii). This was in part to move to a larger sensor size, sticking with mirrorless. As my secondary camera I have added a Ricoh GRIII, although the Leica D-Lux 6 is still fun to use, albeit now limited by its megapixels (still perfect for the web though).

What is my travelling kit?

I usually travel with the Olympus EM5(ii), with the 12-40 Pro lens. It’s a nice compromise between a short telephoto, and a wide-angle, and provides a quick click to manual if I want to shoot with manual focus. As I haven’t travelled in a few years now (thanks Covid!), I haven;t used the Fuji for travelling, but I may invest in a smaller Fuji to replace the EM5. Back-up the GRIII and my iPhone. Sometimes I throw in a manual focus lens, but try not to carry too much. I seldom use telephoto, and also have a fisheye, but honestly it isn’t needed.

What about lenses?

I have a few modern lenses. Over the last few years I have concentrated on building up my collection of vintage lenses. Honestly new lenses are exceptionally well designed, but often lack the character of vintage lenses. I tend to travel with a modern, auto-focus lens on my cameras, because it is just the most convenient way of taking photos in some situations. When visiting just one place, e.g. Montreal, I have the time to use the manual focus lenses.

What about lighting?

I’m a big advocate of natural lighting, and probably use it 99% of the time. I dislike flash a lot, and in nature it’s often a case of too much light, and there isn’t too much you can do about that (portable black hole anyone?).

Do I post-process?

Very little. I’m afraid I just find sitting in front of Photoshop for hours boring. If I process anything I use Photos on my mac, or perhaps ImageJ, GIMP in a stretch. I just find programs like Photoshop overwhelming, and frankly photos don’t need that much processing.