
This blog is about crafting pixels, those tiny building blocks of digital images. It will explore aspects of the human visual system, aesthetics as it relates to photography, the use of digital cameras, and manual vintage lenses, and the ways digital photographs can be manipulated.

What bugs me sometimes is that the internet is *full* of information about things, but in many cases the full picture can only be gleaned by looking at 50 different websites, and trying to decipher what each is saying. That annoys be a bit, because it’s hard to get a clear picture. Colour is a good example. Why do we care about the sRGB colour space? What does a colour space mean? Why do we use RGB to store photographs? How does image sharpening work? Lots of questions, few succinct answers. I hope to change that by creating posts that distill the main points and offer a clear interpretation of a discussion point, with appropriate illustrations (because a picture says 1000 words).

The blog will also cover a bunch of topics related to vintage lenses. Some of this will be in the guise of FAQ, because it’s a good way to cover a whole bunch of topics.

What I write may not always be perfect, and may not always be a complete essay on the subject, but I do endeavour to provide good, simple answers. For example I’m not going to write a 5,000 word blog post on the mathematics behind the digital-to-analog converter in a camera sensor… but I am going to provide an idea about what it is, and what it does (and refer you somewhere if you want to learn more).

It’s not really a blog that will review cameras and lenses the way other blogs do so well. I’m not a professional photographer, and certainly nobody sends me equipment to review. My hope is to look at things from another angle.

P.S. When I started this blog I had wanted to include some “tech” stuff like how things like histograms are created, i.e. from the perspective of the algorithm, but there is too much stuff here, and I don’t think people really care.